You need circumcision especially in your heart

Paul met Timothy at Derbe during his second missionary journey to follow up the Christians in the Gentile cities. Paul wanted Timothy to join him in his missionary tours but the Jews made a lot of trouble about converted gentiles becoming circumcised in those days. I was surprised to read that the same Paul who had explained thoroughly to the people in Jerusalem sometime earlier that it was not necessary for the Gentiles to be circumcised was the one who circumcised Timothy. He did so because of the Jews in his environment; since they all knew that Timothy’s father was a gentile (Greek). He wanted the Jews to be reached and didn’t want Timothy to be a hindrance. Can you imagine how painful circumcision would be for an adult, yet Timothy went through it just because of the ministry. What are the legitimate things you are leaving behind just because of ministry? That is your own circumcision. Is it as painful as natural circumcision?

Can you cultivate the kind of heart that is merciful, humble, gentle, and forgiving even though you are right? Can you be committed to always allow peace to reign in your relationships no matter what others do against you? Can you dress in certain ways that are more acceptable in your community for the sake of the gospel even though your preferred pattern of dressing is not a sin? These are different forms of circumcision.

God is noting those things and he will reward you for them. Timothy could have refused and proved it from the Bible that circumcision was not necessary but he denied himself of that right. He followed the instruction of the father, the leader and he succeeded in ministry.

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