• Make sure you are working and earning money. If your income is too little compared to expenditure, have other sources of income apart from your main job.
• If you cannot find a job or another source of income, create one for yourself. Find out what people need and meet their needs. You can start selling something or rendering a service. Money is just a means of exchange. It cannot come to you unless you are selling a product or rendering services to some other people.
• Always know the state of your finances.
• Don’t waste money. Don’t buy what you don’t need just because they are cheap or on sales.
• Practice delayed gratification: Don’t spend money on impulse. Have a plan for your spending. Instant gratification makes one feel good immediately; but causes stress when one realizes that the money that should have been available for important things needed, has been wasted on mere wants.
• Don’t live beyond your means. Don’t borrow or use credit cards to buy things just because you want them or want to be like others. Paying for them eventually causes stress.
• Don’t spend all your income. Spend some, save some and give some within your means.