Stress Management and Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet implies the following points listed below:
Eating foods that provide the necessary nutrients to the body without causing harm, habitually. Such foods are prepared using the right cooking methods such as boiling or roasting and eaten in moderate amounts
Eating healthy also includes chewing the food properly to enhance smooth digestion and drinking water appropriately
The following diet  tips listed  below will enhance stress management:
Drinking a lot of fluid: The body needs a lot of fluid (at least 3 litres per day) especially in the morning for elimination of wastes.
High in fruits and vegetables to supply vitamins and minerals: Lettuce and spinach in particular havestress-reducing and sedative effect. Vitamin C which is abundant in citrus fruits is very important. Potassium can be obtained from bananas, plantain, potatoes, while calcium can be obtained from milk.
Rich in whole grains such as oatmeal, whole wheat and brown (Ofada/Abakalikior any other local) rice contain vitamins B1 and B6 that help the nerves and the brains to function well.
Low in fat: Avoid excessive use of whole milk and red meat especially processed meat. Make use of fish instead. High quality fish oil which contains omega 3 is linked with reduction of inflammation in the body. Eat foods that are rich in omega fats such as olive oil, avocado, nut oil among others.
In some cases, someone who is overstressed may need a vitamin prescription.
Vegetarians need vitamin B12 supplement because it’s naturally found only in animal based food. Many people are suffering from borderline or frank deficiency of this vitamin
Adequate amount of proteins to supply essential amino acids to repair damaged cells in the body. That means more of fish, low fat milk, beans, peas and other legumes.
Eating slowly at regular hours. Eat more in the first half of the day than the last half.
Home cooked food instead of foods at restaurant.
Diet that enhances weight control.

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