You need good health to fulfil your purpose. Many times in life, people run all around misusing their bodies in the process of trying to fulfil a dream. They eat whatever is available, they are too busy to plan to drink enough water or engage in enough physical activities. They hardly find time for relaxation and they are continuously stressed. They outspend their bodies to fulfil their dreams. They may succeed, feeling fulfilled for a while and applauded by the whole world but their bodies may collapse earlier than they can imagine and hence not able or available to enjoy the fruits of their labour.
God wants you to prosper in every aspect of your life including health (3 John 3). He created man without sickness and when man sinned and brought sickness into the world, God sent Jesus to redeem man. Health is part of this redemption package that Jesus won for us. (Isaiah 53:5).
Health is a state of physical, social and mental well being not just the absence of disease and this is what God is interested in. You should not just be basking in the euphoria of not lying down in the hospital bed or hoping that anytime sickness knocks at your door you will claim his promises. You should keep your body in such a state that will not give room to the enemy and sustain you for several years. .
Some Christians think they don’t need to do anything about their health because Jesus did it all. Yes, Jesus has completed his own part but you need to do your part. Your part includes learning and obeying the word of God concerning health and the natural laws of health. Some of these laws include:
Law of knowledge
God himself said his people perish because of lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Many Christians are perishing in different aspects of life because they lack knowledge in those areas. Don’t despise knowledge even if you think you don’t need it now; you can store it as a wise man (Prov10:14) because God delivers righteous people through knowledge (Prov. 11: 8 &9). A lot of Christians despise knowledge in different aspects of their lives and get into trouble. (Hosea4:6). Whatever is judged to be right by nature should not be despised in the name of Christianity and faith. For example, several researches have shown that certain foods stressful lifestyle and physical inactivity are associated with non-communicable diseases. It will be suicidal for a Christian to be consuming excessive amount of such foods, not exercising at all and living a stressful life continuously in the name of having faith. That kind of deviant attitude is not faith but foolishness.
No matter how anointed you are, if you jump from the top of a four storey building, you are likely to sustain an injury if you are still alive. Just like you must obey the law of gravity to avoid unnecessary injury, you must obey these laws of health for you to remain in good health.
Law of nourishment
The cells that make up every organ in your body are formed from the food you eat; therefore you should eat proper food (healthy diet) if you want these cells and hence your body to be healthy.
You should eat from all the basic food groups including fruits and vegetables everyday. You need five servings of fruits and vegetables. Avoid excess sugar, salt, fat (including meat) and calories; don’t eat more than your body needs. You should learn to eat breakfast except you are fasting and don’t eat something heavy less than two hours before going to bed.
Law of hydration
Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily and don’t wait till you are thirsty. Spread it round the hours of the day; don’t drink too much at a time.
Physical Activity
You should engage in exercise (including walking) for least 30 min per day for 5 days a week. Moreover, learn to move around generally rather than sit in one place. It improves all the systems in your body and prevents various chronic diseases.If your weight is above normal you need more exercise to burn the fat.
Adequate rest and Relaxation
An average person needs about 8 hours sleep & rest daily. Strive to move near it even if you can’t get eight hours daily. Make sure you rest one day a week and at least four weeks annually away from your usual activities.
Avoid overwork. Plan your life in such a way that you can be doing less and earning more. Learn to relax, take time to laugh and do other things you enjoy for some time daily. Form and retain healthy relationships, avoid the ones that stress you etc.
Other measures of ensuring good health
Other measures of ensuring good health include personal and environmental hygiene, exposure to sunshine, detoxification, avoidance of tobacco & alcohol use,avoidance of indiscriminate sex, regular medical checkup and prompt treatment etc..
If you fall ill for any reason, remember God has made provision for you to be healed, therefore exercise your faith and receive your healing. If you are not getting results praying alone, you should get some other Christians, preferably those who are older in the faith to join you to trust God for your healing James (5:17). If your faith is not matured enough to receive your healing, please follow the doctor’s advice. God is not just interested in you not taking drugs, he wants you to be healed. Allow him to use other methods to heal you.
Remember that you don’t own your body (1 Cor. 6:19) therefore you can’t just do whatever you like with it. Your body must bring glory to God and sickness will not help you to do that. Moreover, you don’t have a right to die before the time appointed for you; It will be a great waste of God’s resources
You can follow these if you are determined. My family has been following them for some years and are reaping the benefits. You as a Christian have self control as the fruit of the spirit, therefore you can control yourself and avoid harmful substances and foods. Moreover, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens. (Gal 5:22, Phil 4:13). Remember your body is the passport for being here on earth; be careful not to lose it, otherwise you will no longer be here to achieve your purpose. I wish you good health now and throughout your lifetime.