• Look for the good things in people instead of focusing on the bad and talk about them.
• Refuse to complain, criticize or be negative.
• Even when you notice something negative and want to correct it in another person, determine to do so in love.
• Mind your tone of voice because forty percent (40%) of what you want to communicate is done through your tone of voice. If you speak slowly and gently, corrections are hardly viewed as hateful or cruel words.
• Think before you say anything and if it will not be useful to another person or yourself, don’t say it.
• Avoid the ‘never and ‘always’ traps. For example: ‘You never listen to me’ or ‘You always hurt my feelings’.
• Avoid Labelling: Using a general word such as ‘You are lazy’ or ‘You are selfish’ to express dissatisfaction with an inaction.
• Don’t associate closely with people who usually speak angry, critical and complaining words. Remember that you are likely to speak out the kind of words you often listen to.
• Remember that negative words create negative emotions in the speaker
• Speaking habits is like developing muscle. The effect may not be noticeable immediately you start to speak right but keep at it, you will develop big muscle of speaking positively after a while and it will become part of your lifestyle. I made up my mind to speak positively all the time when I discovered the truths in this book. I made mistakes initially but it has become my habit now to always speak positively.