Stress Management

Stress Management Techniques


This is a one-hour lecture delivered to a group of people and followed by questions and answers

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Perception determines whether something is viewed as positive or negative. Your perceptions are at the very root of a very high percentage of the stress your body experiences. A person’s brain interprets whether a condition is stressful or not. If you think a situation is too difficult and overwhelming for you, then it is giving you stress. If you consider a situation not stressful, though others may view it as so, it will not be harmful to you except it makes you too busy to allow any form of relaxation.
Make a list of the likely things that can make you feel pressured, tensed up or unhappy at home, work, church or club, on the road and in general.
Whenever you experience any feeling of tension, pressure or sadness, tick the cause and if it is not on your original list, include it.
Watch your experience for one or two weeks, the item(s) ticked most will help you to identify the stressors in your life.
• Quite a lot of  people have more than one source of stress in our generation ranging from the noise of generators, too busy schedule to busy roads, hooting of cars among others.

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Stress Management

Stress is a physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation. It is the body’s automatic natural response to any physical or mental demand placed on it. It can also be defined as a state of severe physiological and psychological strain or tension which can lead to ill health if prolonged.

Stress results when where an environmental demand, pressures, or challenge being faced exceed the natural regulatory capacity or one’s coping ability. Stress has two basic components: the stressor and the reaction to the stressor; but it is usually defined by the reaction.


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