What are the other disadvantages of stress apart from ill health?
• Higher risk of making wrong decisions, injury and accidents because it weakens one’s sense of judgement.It is estimated that 80% to 90% of all industrial accidents are related to personal problem and employees’ inability to handle stress.
• Reduced innovation and creativity. When you are relaxed and your mind is settled, like the way you feel in the early hours of the morning, your mind is clearer and more innovative. Stress makes you to focus on the threat alone and blocks the path for creative thinking. If you need to achieve anything worthwhile, the best approach is not to plug yourself into it in a stressful manner. Relax in between and you will achieve better results than aiming to finish fast and messing it up.
• Frequent lateness to work,absenteeism, reduced productivity and frequent quitting.23,
• Can hurt friendships, marriages and other relationships.
• Disturbed sexual performance such as reduced sexual drive, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and other forms of difficulty in reaching orgasm.
• Spiritual dimensions of life suffer consistent deterioration.
• Untimely death. Those who are not able to manage their stress successfullyhave 40 percent higher death rate compared to those who are not stressed.