Benefits of Exercises

Improves the efficiency of the heart and lowers the risk of heart disease and cancer
Decreases body weight
Improves glucose tolerance and prevents diabetes
Lowers Low Density Lipoprotein (bad)  cholesterol, triglycerides and raises High Density Lipoprotein (good) cholesterol
Lowers blood pressure
Reduces the risk of osteoporosis (in women) and dementia in old age
It causes release of endorphins and nor-epinephrine in the brain. They are hormone like substances which elevates mood and create a sense of wellbeing. Endorphins cause feelings of contentment and pleasure which helps one to relax and reduce stress in a positive way. Endorphin has calming effect.
Increases energy level and promotes more peaceful sleep. Aerobic exercise has antidepressant effect.
Good mood and sense of well being
If the exercise is enjoyable to the person doing it, it decreases the stress response compared to rigorous exercise that is like a punishment.

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